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Educational programs
6B07104 - Automation and Control
The group of educational programs 6В063 Electrical Engineering and Automation is included in the field of education 6В07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

2022 year - 8th place 2023 year - 4th place Training according to the educational program 6B07104 "Automation and control" is carried out at the Department of "Automation, Information Technologies and Urban planning" of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the "Shakarim Semey University". The developers are both teachers of the department who have extensive professional experience both in the scientific and pedagogical sphere and in production, as well as stakeholders interested in obtaining specialists of this profile. Having mastered this educational program, graduates acquire the skills and abilities of theoretical and experimental research in complex engineering activities in the field of automation and control; apply progressive methods of operation of automation and control systems equipment, apply modern methods for the development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly automation and control systems that ensure the safety of human life and their protection from possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, gain knowledge and skills focused on the creation of robots and robotic systems with elements of artificial intelligence. The novelty of this program is its content uniqueness, which consists in the ability to combine the design and programming in one course of both control systems built on a modern element base, and the study of mechatronics-an applied science engaged in the development and operation of intelligent automated technical systems for their implementation in various spheres of human activity. Graduates of this educational program will master the latest design tools and methods, such as methods of artificial intelligence, digital information processing, modeling of complex dynamic systems, and many others. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
Duration of training: 4 years
The development of students theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow graduates to understand and apply fundamental and advanced knowledge to monitor and control technological processes and production and to formulate and solve engineering problems
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the educational program-Automation and Control
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - positions of managers - the master of the site, the head of the shop (site), the producer of works, the master of the shop, the shift supervisor, the head (head of the workshop); - positions of specialists - design engineer, laboratory engineer, production management engineer, equipment commissioning and operation engineer, software engineer. - positions of senior, scientific and technical employees, common for research, design, technological, design organizations: technician, laboratory assistant, design engineer
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Graduates are prepared to work in the field of automation, informatization and management in technical systems, technological systems, systems related to the use of information processing tools and methods for management in all areas of production
  • Object of professional activity
    Automated control systems for technological processes of various industries, automated information and control systems for various purposes, automated systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data for various purposes, automated systems for designing systems, objects, devices, automated systems for technological preparation of production of various industries, automated systems for complex testing of parts, products, assemblies, devices in various industries.
  • Types of professional activity
    - service and operational; - production and technological; - organizational and managerial; - design and engineering.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Language and sociocultural training.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies in practice the formed personality-oriented qualities that contribute to the ability to correctly express thoughts, builds evidence of his point of view, leads a discussion, listens to another person, demonstrates the ability to communicate and business communication skills in foreign languages, applies a healthy lifestyle in the formation of personality.

Socio-political knowledge.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possesses knowledge of socio-political and ethical norms governing the relationship between the state, society and individual citizens, acquires an analytical view of serving society in a spirit of tolerance and equality, uses the main provisions and methods of social, humanitarian and psychological sciences in solving social and professional problems.

Microelectronic devices.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Owns various types of construction and the principle of operation of microelectronic devices.

Microcontrollers in control systems.

Learning outcomes for the module:

To study the effectiveness of the functioning of the information and control systems of the enterprise, the analysis of the quality of work and the study of the problems of information systems at the enterprise. To study the principles of designing economic information systems using standard design solutions and methods of automating the main stages of system design. To study methods of designing information systems, GOSTs and standards (including international ones) used in the development of information and control systems.

Theoretical foundations of control systems.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Studying the basic principles and methods of building control systems.

Receiving, processing and transmission of information

Learning outcomes for the module:

Studies the basic principles and devices for processing and transmitting information.

Mechatronics and Robotics.

Learning outcomes for the module:

Evaluate current trends in the development of control automation tools and systems. Assess the prospects and trends in the development of information technology management. To carry out work on the design of information, electromechanical, electrohydraulic, electronic and microprocessor modules of mechatronic and robotic systems. Carry out research on the stability, accuracy and quality of control processes, develops control algorithms and their software and hardware. Conduct research and analysis of mathematical models of robotic and mechatronic systems using methods of the theory of automatic control, computer technology and modern software.