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Educational programs
6B06105 - Computer Engineering and Software/Smart Computing
The group of educational programs В057 Information technology is included in the field of education 6B06 Information and communication technology

The educational program did not participate in the Atameken-2022 rating, due to the termination of the enrollment of students and/or the lack of graduation 2023 year - 49th place The educational program 6B06105 "Computer Engineering and Software / Smart Computing", implemented by the SKACC International Faculty of the Shakarim State University of Semey city in terms of bachelors degree, was developed taking into account the needs of the regional and national labor market, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and represents is a system of documents for organizing the educational process. Educational program 6B06105 "Computer Engineering and Software / Smart Computing" prepares students to become professionals in the field of information technology, allowing them to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the real world. Provides students with IT knowledge to make them suitable for starting their careers in the IT industry as software developers, IT infrastructure specialist, database administrator, cybersecurity experts, big data analysts, web designers and etc. A graduate, having mastered such qualities, has the opportunity to create new and innovative ideas in the field of IT at enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, 8 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
4 years.
To educate and to prepare students to become IT professionals by enabling them to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the real world. To provide students with IT knowledge to make them fit to start their careers in the IT industry as software developers, IT infrastructure specialist, database administrator, cybersecurity experts, big data analytics, web designers and etc. A graduate, having mastered such qualities, has the opportunity to create new and innovative ideas in the field of IT at enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor in Information and Communication Technologies in the educational program 6B06105 “Computer Engineering and Software / Smart Computing”
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Software developer, IT infrastructure specialist, database administrator, cybersecurity expert, big data analyst, web designer, etc.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    The area of professional activity of a specialist:  Information and communication  IT industries
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity. Objects of professional activity under the Educational program: - computers, complexes, systems and networks; - computer systems for information processing and management; - computer-aided design systems; - software for computer facilities and information systems.
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the educational program “Computer Engineering and Software / Smart Computing” can carry out the following professional activities:  design and engineering;  production and technological;  experimental research;  organizational and managerial;  operational.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Linguistic

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possesses the skills of written and oral business (professional) communication in the state, Russian and foreign languages.

Module 2. Socio-worldview

Learning outcomes for the module:

She knows the culture of economic thinking, conducting economic research and analysis, makes competent economic decisions in the current practical situations. Understands the nature and essence of state and law; owns and uses legal concepts and categories in daily activities. Demonstrates knowledge of backbone environmental factors, the nature of the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on humans and the ecological environment, has the skills of protection and self-defense in emergency situations. Identifies corrupt practices and critically evaluates materials related to manifestations of corruption in his life, applies the obtained legal knowledge against corruption. Knows how to evaluate, analyze, explain and interpret information when doing business. Uses the techniques of developing leadership potential and leadership qualities, is guided by the styles of effective leadership; able to develop leadership thinking based on creative and innovative ideas.

Модуль 3. Games Development

Learning outcomes for the module:

Ability to design IoT systems with deep knowledge of UI / UX design. Can handle hardware hardware for VR technology.

Модуль 4. Big Data & Cloud Computing

Learning outcomes for the module:

Can handle large databases of large-scale machine learning data storage. The ability to create configurations for cloud server systems and clients.

Модуль 5. Cyber Security & Privacy

Learning outcomes for the module:

Has the ability to plan and implement network infrastructure. Can manage Windows and Linux platform to keep the organization running smoothly. Ability to design IoT systems with deep knowledge of UI / UX design. Can handle data transmission hardware such as servers, switches, routers, etc.

Модуль 6. Ubiquitous internet of things

Learning outcomes for the module:

Has the ability to plan and implement network infrastructure. Can manage Windows and Linux platform to keep the organization running smoothly. Ability to design IoT systems with deep knowledge of UI / UX design.

Модуль 7. Mobile & web development

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possibility to develop mobile applications with Android Studio. Can write programs in Java, C ++, C #, HTML, CSS, etc. D., is able to design and use websites through the Internet, create domain names and implement servers.