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Educational programs
6B06106 - SMART systems and programming
The group of educational programs В057 Information technology is included in the field of education 6B06 Information and communication technology

Training under the educational program "6B06106 - SMART systems and programming" is carried out at the Department of "Automation, Information Technology and Urban Planning" of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the NAO "Shakarim University" in Semey. The developers are both teachers of the department who have extensive professional experience in the scientific and pedagogical field, and interested stakeholders. The educational program has been developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market. The educational program regulates the following aspects: 1. Objectives: the main goals and objectives of the educational program are determined. 2. Expected results: the knowledge, skills, skills and competencies that graduates are expected to have after successful completion of the program are determined. 3. Content: Describes the content of the educational process, including topics, modules, educational materials and resources. 4. Conditions and technologies of implementation: the methods and approaches that will be used for the implementation of the educational process are determined, including lectures, practical classes, project work, the use of modern information technologies and other resources. 5. Assessment of the quality of graduate training: criteria and methods for assessing the level of graduate training are determined, including exams, control papers, project assignments and other forms of assessment. 6. Characteristics of the program and areas of professional activity of the graduate: the main directions, spheres and objects of professional activity of the graduate are described. 7. Learning outcomes and acquired competencies: specify the specific skills, knowledge and competencies that students will receive at the end of the program. 8. Policy of evaluation of learning outcomes: the principles and approaches to the evaluation of educational achievements of students are determined. 9. Organization of the educational process: the structure of the program, the schedule of classes, resources and support that ensure the quality of training of students are described. 10. Modules of the educational program: the components of the modules that are included in the program and determine the educational units and their content are described. 11. Methodological materials: manuals, manuals, recommendations and other materials necessary for the implementation of educational technologies and methods are provided. The educational program is the main document defining the main aspects of teaching and training students in this area of education. The educational program allows graduates to acquire the following skills: 1. Programming: Graduates gain programming skills in various languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, Swift and others. They will learn how to create and maintain websites, mobile applications and smart systems. 2. Web development: Graduates will master the development of websites, including creating user interfaces, working with databases, using frameworks and tools for developing web applications. 3. Mobile Application Development: Graduates will learn how to create mobile applications for various platforms, such as iOS and Android. They will master the skills of developing user interfaces, working with mobile devices and using specialized tools and frameworks. 4. Working with Smart Systems: Graduates will gain knowledge about smart technologies and smart systems, such as smart home, Internet of Things (IoT), automation and device management. They will learn how to develop applications and integrate various devices and technologies to create smart systems. 5. Teamwork: Graduates develop teamwork, collaboration and communication skills. They will learn how to interact effectively with other developers, designers and information technology specialists. 6. Application Design and Architecture: Graduates will learn about the principles of application design and architecture, including best practices, design patterns and principles for the development of scalable and reliable systems. 7. Problem Solving and Analytical Thinking: Graduates develop skills in analyzing, finding solutions and solving problems related to software development. They will learn how to effectively and systematically approach the solution of technical problems. 8. Testing and Debugging: Graduates will master the skills of testing and debugging software to ensure its quality and reliability. 9. Relevance and updating of skills: Graduates will learn to follow the latest trends and new technologies in the field of web programming, mobile applications and smart systems in order to update and update their skills. The educational program provides an individual approach to students with special educational needs, taking into account their specific requirements. It is aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for quality education and the development of social skills.
The main criterion for the completion of bachelor's degree programs is the development of at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of student's educational activities.
3 years
Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of software development for web and mobile applications, smart technologies capable of effectively applying their knowledge and skills to create innovative and functional solutions that meet modern requirements of the information industry
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication technologies in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Web developer; mobile developer; Smart system development specialist; Full-stack developer; UI/UX designer; software architect; Software tester; DevOps engineer; Game development specialist; Project manager; interface designer; database administrator
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Website and application development, mobile application development, interface design and user experience, databases and data storage, adaptive and responsive design, testing and debugging, integration and deployment, security, project management: Planning, organizing and coordinating the development of web projects, mobile applications and smart systems.
  • Object of professional activity
    1. Educational institutions: Universities, colleges and schools that offer courses and programs on web programming and mobile application development. 2. Online stores and e-commerce: Companies that sell goods and services online need to develop and support websites and platforms for e-commerce. 3. Media and Entertainment: Media companies, publishers, game studios and entertainment platforms need to develop websites, mobile applications and smart systems to provide content and interactive services. 4. Banks and Financial Institutions: Financial institutions develop web and mobile applications for online banking, electronic payments, financial management and other financial services. 5. Consulting and IT services: Companies providing consulting services in the field of information technology and software development are looking for specialists with web programming and mobile development skills. 6. Web studios and agencies: Companies specializing in the development of websites, web applications and interfaces. 7. IT companies: Technology companies providing various services in the field of information technology, including the development of web applications and mobile applications. 8. Enterprise IT departments: Large organizations and enterprises with their own IT departments that develop and support web applications, mobile applications and smart systems for internal use or interaction with customers. 9. Freelancers and independent developers: Independent specialists working on a self-employed basis, fulfilling orders for the development of web products, mobile applications and smart systems from different clients.
  • Types of professional activity
    -Software development -System administration and network infrastructure -Information security and cybersecurity -Data analytics and machine learning -Project and product management -Design and user experience -Consulting and business development -IT service and support -Teaching and education -Internet marketing and digital advertising