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Educational programs
6B07302 - Civil Engineering
The group of educational programs В074 Urban planning, construction works and civil engineering is included in the field of education 6В07 Engineering and construction industries

2022 year - 18th place 2023 year - 5th place The educational program "6B07302 Civil engineering", implemented by the Shakarim University of Semey by the Department of Construction and Geodesy, was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market. The educational program "6B07302 Civil engineering" is intended for the preparation of bachelors of engineering and technology in the direction of training 6B073 "Architecture and Construction", who carry out professional activities in the fields of industrial and civil construction, design of buildings and structures. According to the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are not enough engineers of technical specialties at enterprises, the popular professions of Kazakhstan change annually, but the demand for engineers and designers has been growing for several years. The latter are employed in construction companies and cooperate with designers and architects. To date, all graduates of the educational program "6B07302 Civil engineering" who graduated from Shakarim University are employed and occupy places from design engineers to needlework positions.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
Typical training period: 4 years
Preparation of bachelors with professional competence in the field of construction and design of buildings and structures for various purposes, inspection and reconstruction of existing buildings. EP 6В07302 Civil engineering aims to achieve in the course of training and education of such a level of readiness of the graduate to an independent life, which fully meets the social expectations of society regarding its ability to productive professional activity in modern society The application of this programme aims to achieve the following – development of bachelors ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills; – to ensure the adaptation of higher education in the direction of training 6B073 «Architecture and construction» and research to the changing needs of society and the achievements of scientific thought; – to ensure recognition of the level of training in other countries – to provide higher mobility of graduates in the changing conditions of the labor market
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Site master, engineer, design engineer, quality engineer, Construction supervision engineer, OaSH engineer, Repair engineer, Process engineer, construction laboratory engineer, Workshop head( head), Head of production laboratory, Head of Personnel Department, Head of Capital Construction Department, Head of Safety and Labor Protection Department, Head of Production Department, Head of Technical department, Head of repair shop, shift supervisor, work producer( foreman), Warehouse manager
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
    6 level of qualification in IQF and NQF
  • Area of professional activity
    The sphere of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program is the construction, design and calculation of buildings and structures of industrial and civil construction, control in the field of construction production
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of graduates of the educational program are construction and installation departments and organizations, factories for the production of construction products, utilities, enterprises for the operation and repair of construction machinery and equipment, joint-stock associations for construction
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the educational program "6B07302 Civil engineering" can perform the following types of professional activities: Production and management activities: - manage teams that carry out construction and installation work on the construction, operation and reconstruction of buildings, structures, engineering systems and equipment; on the operation and repair of construction machinery, mechanical, electrical equipment and automation equipment; Design and engineering activities: - perform design work on the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, engineering systems, mechanical and electrical equipment and means of mechanization; Organizational and technological activities: - organize the work of construction, municipal organizations and enterprises; Scientific and pedagogical activity: - to participate in the implementation of research works and conduct scientific and pedagogical activities in general education organizations.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Socio-cultural knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies the acquired socio-political knowledge in professional activities

Technology testing and reconstruction of buildings

Learning outcomes for the module:

Performs work on the inspection and testing of buildings during their operation, and, if necessary, performs the reconstruction of buildings

Language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Uses communication skills in three languages in the field of professional activity

Basics of architectural and construction activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies the basics of building materials science in solving all tasks and practical tasks.

Engineering systems and machines in civil construction

Learning outcomes for the module:

Solves issues in the field of engineering systems and construction machines in civil engineering

Projection and calculation of building structures

Learning outcomes for the module:

Performs design and calculation of building structures using automated software systems

Geo research and projecting of foundations in construction

Learning outcomes for the module:

Solves geodetic issues to ensure the highest productivity of the necessary quality for carrying out engineering and geodetic works in construction

Energy efficient design and building information modeling

Learning outcomes for the module:

Performs the design of buildings taking into account modern requirements for energy efficiency with the use of SMART technologies

Regulatory and economic base in construction

Learning outcomes for the module:

Calculates the estimated cost of construction using automated software systems and the regulatory and technical base of construction

Organization and technology of construction production

Learning outcomes for the module:

Produces an effective organization of the construction of buildings in compliance with the technology of construction processes