Zhumadilov Ilyas
- Dr. Ph., assoc.Professor
- +77222313175
- @shakarim.edu.kz
Subjects taught
- The architecture
- BIM-technology in building design
- The construction of special buildings and structures
- Geotechnics
- Autocad in pojecting
- Introduction to construction
- Engineering systems of buildings and structure
- Technical operation and testing of buildings and structures
- BIM-technology in building design
- Fundamentals of Structural Safety of Buildings and Structures
- Autocad in pojecting
- Foundations and bases
- Software packages for computer-aided design
- Projecting and construction of energy efficient buildings
- Operation of housing and communal services and urban infrastructure
- Technology of concrete and reinforced concrete production
- Technology of production of building materials
- Stone and reinforced concrete structures
- Technology of construction production
- Construction machines and equipment
- Construction drawing
- Technology of construction of buildings and structures
- Construction materials
- Technology reconstruction of buildings
- Technology of production construction
Vertical displacement of bored piles group for project of lrt using numerical analysis
International Journal of GEOMATE
Assessment of soils deformability under vertical load
International Journal of GEOMATE
Tests of soils on triaxial device
Key Engineering Materials
Функциональное и практическое приминение ГИС технологий в учебном процессе
НАО Университет Шакарима г.Семей
04.10.2022 - 15.10.2022. Семей
Tamkang University
14.10.2019 - 13.11.2019. Тамканг
Information Technology in Education offered through the Hachinohe Institute of Technology of Japan
Hachinohe Institute of Technology Japan
23.09.2019 - 29.09.2019. Хачинохе
Nippon Koei Co., LtD
21.09.2019 - 19.12.2019. Токио
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Systems: Understanding their Behavior through Numerical Modeling
Университет Шакарима
17.11.2018 - 17.11.2018. Семей
Евразийский Национальный Университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева
21.06.2017 - 21.06.2017. Астана
Современные технологии геодезических работ при инженерно-геодезических изысканиях
НАО Университет Шакарима г.Семей
18.02.2017 - 18.02.2017. Семей
Dedicated to Modern Trends in Technology, Manufacturing and Healthcare
НАО Университет Шакарима г.Семей
10.10.2016 - 14.10.2016. Семей
Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference (8AYGEC)
Nazarbayev University
05.08.2016 - 07.08.2016. Астана
Pamukkale University
16.11.2015 - 25.11.2015. Денизли
Психроргия делового общения
НАО Университет Шакарима г.Семей
22.02.2015 - 22.02.2015. Семей