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Educational programs
6B11303 - Logistics and Organization of Transportation
The group of educational programs В095 Transport service is included in the field of education 6В11 Service.

2022 year - 11th place 2023 year - 14th place Білім беру бағдарламасы Еуропалық Одақтың "GeKaVoc - Қазақстандағы логистика, мехатроника және орнықты энергиямен жабдықтау жөніндегі дуальді білім беру бағдарламаларының трансфері" және білім беру бағдарламасының бір бөлігі болып табылатын KazDual – "Қазақстанда дуальді жүйені енгізу" бағдарламаларының қолдауымен әзірленді. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
4 years
Training of highly qualified and competitive personnel with professional competencies in the field of logistics and transportation organization
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor in the field of services in the educational program «6В11303 Logistics and organization of transportation»
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    1. Engineer for the organization of cargo transportation 2. Engineer for the organization of cargo transportation in the supply chain 3. Information logistician 4. Logistician 5. Logistics Manager 6. Production Logistics Manager 7. Warehouse Manager 8. Supply Manager 9. Manager for Customs Clearance and Certification 10. Transport Manager 11. The manager responsible for ensuring traffic safety 12. Head of the Logistics Department 13. Head of the Passenger Transportation Service 14. Head of the Transport Service 15. Head of the Freight Forwarding Agency 16. Head of the Department of Organization and Conditions of Transportation 17. Head of the Logistics Department 18. Transport Logistics Specialist 19. Specialist in multimodal transport 20. Specialist in the development of passenger transport infrastructure 21. Manager of the transport and logistics center
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    1. Planning, organization, execution and control of the movement and placement of material and non-material flows and resources; 2. Design, optimization, development of logistics systems and technologies; 3. Organization of transportation and traffic management on transport; 4. Transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail; 5. Control and safety in transport; 6. Organization of warehouse activities; Implementation of a complex of services for transport services of shippers and consignees of transport.
  • Object of professional activity
    1. Consulting firms 2. Logistics centers 3. International corporations 4. Manufacturing enterprises 5. Customs authorities and terminals 6. Commercial enterprises 7. Transport companies and hubs 8. Forwarding companies
  • Types of professional activity
    - service and operational; - production and technological; - organizational and managerial; - design and engineering.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Fundamentals of socio-cultural and economic training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Develops flexibility, mobility of thinking, civil position and legal culture, moral and spiritual principles in the field of Economics and law, the basics of anti-corruption culture, ecology and life safety, as well as entrepreneurial skills, leadership, susceptibility to innovation and management for the organization of production and business.

Management in logistics

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies modern management approaches, business administration and entrepreneurial solutions in the field of logistics and supply chain management

Language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

He has the skills to work with information in a multilingual environment, using the new Kazakh script, the basics of philosophical knowledge and spiritual heritage, to solve problems of intercultural and interpersonal relationships.

Information technologies in transport

Learning outcomes for the module:

Conducts the process of processing information on a personal computer, performs input and output of information from data carriers, communication channels, use the multimedia capabilities of a personal computer in work

Mathematical methods and models in logistics

Learning outcomes for the module:

Uses the basics of mathematical and economic knowledge to solve logistics problems

Introduction to the specialty

Learning outcomes for the module:

Determines the appearance and destination of the consignment, correlating with the types of transportation to implement the transportation.

Organization and management of transportation

Learning outcomes for the module:

Simulates production processes in transport to improve transport productivity and the quality of work in the organization of traffic

New technologies in transportation

Learning outcomes for the module:

Makes decisions on the choice of new technologies for cargo processing and passenger delivery based on the study and generalization of innovative approaches of world and domestic experience

Operation of rolling stock

Learning outcomes for the module:

Makes decisions on the maintenance of the transportation process and the operation of transport, taking into account the effective use of rolling stock

Transport services

Learning outcomes for the module:

Analyzes and processes information, technical data, indicators and results of the operation of transport systems