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Конференция Sustainability Living Lab

2023-03-31 | News

On March 28-29, 2023, the results of the implementation of SSL projects, as well as the exchange of experience among the winners, took place at Nazarbayev University. This project is implemented by the National Conservation Initiative Foundation together with the Office of Sustainable Development of AOO "Nazarbayev University" and Sustainability Living Lab, sponsored by Chevron Munaygas Inc. 
At the conference, the Shakarim University team was represented by senior lecturer of the AITIG Department Adylkanova A.Zh. on the topic "Solar gazebo for charging gadgets.  We express our gratitude to the organizers of the conference for the excellent professional program, friendly atmosphere, new contacts, its high professional level, for the opportunity to get acquainted with teachers and students of universities of Kazakhstan and study their experience through interesting and informative speeches and in personal communication.
