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2023-04-13 | Congratulation

Today, Shakarim University hosted a traditional competition of poster reports of undergraduates and doctoral students "Shakarim poster event-2023" as part of the Science Week. This year the competition is held in the areas of technical and agricultural sciences and natural, economic and humanitarian sciences.

Vladislav Shumkin, a master's student of the MIF-101 group of the IAIT Department, developed a project on the topic "Development of a model and software for electronic online courses for the implementation of educational programs of the Automation and Information Technology Department of the University".
This topic is relevant and interesting because modern technologies have become an integral part of education. E-courses are becoming increasingly popular among students who want to study at a convenient time for them. I developed the course structure and selected methods and approaches to learning, defined the functionality required for the software, and also developed the design and user interface. As a result, a portal for online courses was developed," Vladislav noted. This event, celebrated at the university, showed that a group of students of our department presents projects necessary for modern society. And was awarded a certificate.
