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2024-04-23 | News

Dear students!


Оn April 25, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., the annual event "Job Fair 2024" will be held at Shakarim University.

Location of the event: 20A Glinka Street, hall "Ush Anyk"

Purpose of the event:

• Identifying the staffing needs of the labor market, establishing contacts with employers and social partners to facilitate the employment of graduates.

• Establishment and expansion of feedback between the university and employers in the training of young professionals.

• Providing employers with the opportunity to make a selection applicants according to their requirements from among the graduates.


More than 20 largest Kazakhstan companies representing various sectors of the economy will take part in the Job Fair, including:


JSC Semey Engineering, JSC East Kazakhstan Flour and Feed Mill, LLP iMAS group, LLP Gidrostroymontazh, LLP Semstroyproekt, LLP GEOID and many others.


Do not miss the unique opportunity to start a career in one of the leading companies!
