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2023-04-12 | Science

Today, Shakarim University hosted the traditional Shakarim poster event-2023 poster competition for undergraduates and doctoral students as part of Science Week. This year, the competition is held in the fields of technical and agricultural sciences and natural, economic and humanitarian sciences.

The competition is organized to demonstrate innovative achievements of research activities of undergraduates and doctoral students, to develop the integration of science and education, to stimulate students of postgraduate education to creative and scientific activities.

An independent jury evaluated the submitted poster reports according to the criteria of the report design, degree of protection, relevance and novelty of the topic, scientific and practical significance.

Bakhytgul Kopabayeva, a graduate student of the Department of Automation, Information Technology and Urban Planning, has prepared a project on the topic "Development of an automated information system for accounting for the main publication indicators of the university".

Support for young scientists is one of the priorities of the university. Therefore, this year the winners of the competition will be awarded cash prizes and, by decision of the Academic Council, a special "Shakarim scholarship" will be awarded. The results of the competition will be announced on April 14.
